Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I hate playing Tag.

Thanks Not the Queen. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate playing tag? That's a bonus fact you probably didn't know!

Here are the rules. (1) Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. (2) People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. (3) At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. (4) Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

1. I’m afraid of being a hypochondriac. That’s right I’m afraid of becoming my grandmother who is a full blown hypochondriac. I don’t want to visit the doctor at least once a week every week for the rest of my natural life when there’s NOTHING wrong with me.

2. I’m superstitious. I find that if I really want something, go somewhere, or want to do something so bad, I can’t talk or think about it at all or it won’t happen or come true. Case in point, I talked and shared to everyone that Corey and I were going to go to club 33 in Disneyland this January. We lucked out and got on the list, but wait, it’s closed for renovation the whole time we’ll be there. Remind me to keep my mouth shut.

3. I have the worst Karma/Luck. I’ve never won anything of importance and I’m stuck in the worst rut again in my life. Karma’s a bitch. I can’t figure out where I did my Karma wrong either.

4. I love to plan. I love to plan anything; chances of me following any of my plans or completing them are pretty slim. I like the challenge of getting everything to fit in where it can go. I start planning what I’m doing for a trip months before it’s even booked. (sorry to you all who are going on the World trip next December, I’m going to start getting neurotic, I feel it coming on already)

5. I’m true to my Aries sign. I like things my way and I don’t like doing what other people say (unless it’s in a suggestive tone, then I’m completely okay with it). I’m stubborn, but I can be yielding when need be. I can see both sides of the story. No I don’t have to have the last word, but by gosh, I have THE hardest time with authority. I feel so darned defiant to it in any way. Hence the fact I’ll never join the armed forces.

6. I hate assumptive tones. HATE THEM! Nothing sets me off other than someone assuming that I am at fault before even asking. I hate when being blamed for things others do and the assuming air that of course no one else could be to blame. Grrr, just thinking about it makes me all hot and bothered, and not in the good way.

7. I love carbs. I actually prefer them to anything else. I could eat an entire meal of just carbs. Yum.

8. I’m lactose intolerant, among other things. Dairy gives me lower tummy digestion problems. Nuff said.

I am tagging, um, no one I guess. I have no blog friends and it's no fun to tag your sister back when she's the one who tagged you in the first place. This is probably why we never played tag as kids, there were only ever 2 of us.


Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

Well, since I DO have to have the last word, I'll comment!

You're welcome!

Fabulously un Fabulous said...

Yes you do. True to your Aries sign.

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

Yup! That's me!

Fabulously un Fabulous said...

If I wait long enough, think I can get the last word?!? Probably not.